25 Feb 2020
Investing on behalf of your kids

Whether it’s birthday cash from proud grandparents, a slice of an inheritance, or you just want to set them up with something in their own name, many parents want to invest on behalf of their children.
Picking the right investment for your child
Just as you wouldn’t set off across the Nullarbor on a hovercraft, it’s important to pick the right vehicle. Tax, social security and the appropriate structure will all affect your decision.
The first thing to consider is why you want to invest. There’s a plethora of products you could select, so think about which goals you’re aiming to achieve. Setting something up to fund year-on year educational expenses might be quite different from a fund to establish a deposit on a first home, where the aim is a lump sum.
Alternatively, you may simply to want to open a bank account to give them the feeling of ownership, the equivalent of the old over-the-counter passbook. This might be a first step towards financial literacy in adulthood.
Once you’re clear about your aims, it pays to bear in mind the effects of taxation.
Minors and tax
In Australia, children under 18 on the last day of the financial year (30 June) are considered minors as far as tax is concerned. Minors are generally taxed at penalty rates on unearned income such as interest, rent and dividends.
Minor penalty tax rates (2018-19)
Resident minors¹
Unearned income
Tax payable²
$0 - $416
$417 - $1,307
66c for each $1 in excess of $416
Over $1,307
45% of the total income that is not excepted income
¹Different tax rates apply to non-resident minors
²Medicare levy may also apply
Source: ATO
There are exceptions for certain children working full-time, with disabilities or who are entitled to a double orphan pension.
Further, the above minor penalty tax rates don’t apply to amounts of excepted income received by children – these amounts will be taxed at adult rates. Excepted income includes income from employment, their own business, or from a deceased person’s estate.
Example: Excepted and unearned income
Mario is 15 years old and is not an excepted person. His income consists of a $500 family trust distribution and $8,000 wages from casual work. Mario also has $180 in deductions relating to earning his wages.
The following table show the calculation of tax payable by Mario.
Type of income
Net amount
Tax calculation
Tax payable
Employment income
Excepted income
$7,820 x 0%
Family trust distribution
Unearned income
($500 – $416) x 66%
In whose name?
The most common approaches are to hold the investment in the child’s name, or in the parent or grandparent’s name, with them as a trustee. Whichever you choose, it helps to think upfront who will be liable for any tax and what the social security impacts might be.
For tax purposes, the ATO determines who has control of the assets, and therefore who pays tax on the income earned.
If the money to set up the investment is given without any conditions, such as pocket money, or earned and used by the child and no-one else, then income, and any capital gain or loss, is assessable to the child. It’s the same if the investment is held under an informal trust agreement and the ATO is satisfied that the money belongs to the child. This applies in most cases where the money is a genuine gift.
However, if the money for the investment is provided by the parent and the parent uses the money as if it were their own, then they should declare the income on their return.
Note that children are not exempt from quoting a tax file number (TFN) and can apply for one at any age. Whichever investment vehicle you choose, make sure you supply the right TFN, if one is required.
Investment vehicles
These are some of the popular options parents turn to.
Bank accounts
Opening a bank account is usually the most straightforward. This doesn’t require the child to sign a legal document and so can be registered with your child’s name. However, if they are under 16, the bank will often require parental permission.
Managed funds
Managed funds and share investments generally require legal capacity, which doesn’t apply to under-18s. Therefore, these are usually registered in an adult’s name. The fund manager or share registry may allow for a name that reflects the intention, ie John Smith in trust for the late Jane Smith.
Insurance bonds
An insurance bond is a type of life insurance policy, with a range of investment options. It may be withdrawn in part or full at any time, although there may be tax implications. It can be established in the child’s name for those aged 10 to 16 with parental consent. Anyone over 16 can invest without consent.
For children under 16, insurance bonds generally also offer a ‘child advancement option’, where a parent or grandparent invests on behalf of the child, with ownership passing at a nominated ‘vesting’ age. This might tie in with making funds available for education, home deposit or travel and so on.
Although it may seem odd for an under-18 more into skateboards, it’s never too early to think about super.
Children can become members of a super fund, if the rules of the fund allow this. Generally, a parent or guardian needs to sign the application form and there are additional considerations if the child will be a member of a self-managed super fund (SMSF).
Because of its concessional tax treatment, super is a popular savings vehicle. However, depending on your purpose for setting up the investment, it may not be right for your child as they may not be able to access their funds until their own grandchildren have skateboards.
Social security
Where a parent or other adult holds investments on behalf of a child, Centrelink typically treats these as protective trusts. As a result, assets will most likely be attributed to the adults, up until they transfer to the child.
It’s important to evaluate the pros and cons to get the right approach for your family. These can be complex, so you may wish to speak to your adviser. If you don’t have one but are after some advice, you can call PSK Financial Services on 9324 8888 or visit our website.
PSK Financial Services Group Pty Ltd (ABN 24 134 987 205) are Authorised Representatives of Charter Financial Planning Ltd (AFSL 234666), Australian Financial services Licensee and Australian Credit Licensee. Information contained in this article is general in nature. It does not take into account your objectives, needs or financial situation. You need to consider your financial situation before making any decisions based on this information.