1 Mar 2015
If you’re finding it hard to get started in your chosen career – or your kids are doing it tough – you’re not alone. Many Australians are in the same boat, with a high proportion of young people working in part-time hospitality and retail jobs, even when they have uni degrees.
The latest AMP.NATSEM reporti shows that demographic, structural and technological change has resulted in an uncertain labour market. There’s more competition for good jobs and even traditional casual jobs are proving harder to find.
But don’t let that put you off! Take the next step and market your skills to get your dream job. Or if you’re lucky enough to be working for your dream company, it’s time to step up and secure the perfect role.
Here are six ways to start taking control of your future:
1. If you just graduated, consider unpaid work like internships. Try combining work experience in your chosen field with part-time work in an area like hospitality to pay the bills.
2. Try, try and try again. Perseverance pays dividends. And it helps if your chosen career matches your passion. Enthusiasm can carry you a long way with prospective employers.
3. Be flexible. It might be a good job but far away from home. If getting your foot in the door involves a move interstate for a year or two, it’s worth considering. Once you’ve got some experience, it will be much easier to get a role nearer home.
4. Keep networking. Remember, it’s not just what you know, it’s also who you know! Jobs aren’t always advertised so cultivate your network and look for useful mentors.
5. Make your resume stand out. Make it relevant and don’t forget to use the power of social media – make sure your LinkedIn profile is well crafted and up to date.
6. Get skilled up. Make sure your qualifications match your career aspirations.
In a competitive world, there are plenty of ways to stand out from the crowd and secure the perfect role, and there could be many reasons that career prospects change. Speak with a Financial Adviser about how to make the most of your career development and ensure you are prepared for changes.
If you would like to meet with your PSK Adviser, call us on 02 9324 8888 or click here.
i AMP NATSEM 36: Australia’s Changing Workforce: http://media.amp.com.au/phoenix.zhtml?c=219073&p=irol-natsem36